Sunday, December 9, 2012

What is that movie with the Old man in some arctic place?

Q. It also has angry wolves who attack the top of the old mans hut, and maybe a pet dog. It could've also had something to do with soup or pooridge, but I'm not sure.

A. Call of The Wild

What are the acne like bumps on the top of my Boxer's head?
Q. I was petting my dog on the top of his head and I realized he had many acne like dots on his head. I was wondering what they were, and all of the things I got from searching we're fatal diseases. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what they are.
They're small but there are more than a few. There is still hair on them, and they are just the darker shade of my Boxer's original hair color (brown).

Please and Thank You those who answer!

A. Boxers are prone to folliculitis -- which is basically acne. It's usually on their muzzle though, and can be treated by cleaning the area daily (especially after meals) with soap and water, keeping food dishes clean, and using stainless steel dishes (no plastics).

It's possible that they are symptoms of a skin allergy. Check this thread:

Found this one too... it sounds (to me) more similar to your case:

Couldn't help but notice you didn't get many responses.... in the future I'm sure you would find this site more helpful.

Good luck, hope it's nothing serious =)

What are three different types of pets people go for?
Q. I'm writing an essay on three different types of pets and was wondering which top three pets are the ones that people go to the most. If you can help me that would be great. And it doesnt have to be other pets just pets in general.Thanks a bunch. :3

A. Cats, i love cats they are friendly and loving
Dogs, they are loyal
Birds, cause everyone has pet birds :)

How to protect pet dogs from wild coyotes?
Q. I live in a suburban neighborhood that is next to a major highway, but I can hear coyotes howling at night. My fence is only a 4ft chain link fence. Does anyone know how I can protect my dogs?

I'd never really thought about it, but I saw that there were several coyote attacks in a nearby town. What, if anything, can I do to protect them within reason? I mean, I'm sure I could build a 10ft tall fence with a lid to keep them out, but I'm looking for something I can actually afford to do, short of forcing my dogs to stay inside all day. I've got three dogs, ranging from 20-35lbs. Is there safety in numbers? Is there such thing as a coyote-repellant?

When answering, please specify if you have official knowledge or if you're brainstorming. Thanks!

A. Dusk to dawn are the danger hours mostly. Can you build a run right up next to the house with a top? Or leash walk the dogs at night?

There is a fence top called a Coyote Roller but you would still probably need a 6ft. fence to put it on.

We have Coyotes near where I live. Every year there are newspaper stories of small dogs and cats taken from homes near the mountain.

I am not in the danger zone at this time. But I have always tried to keep my dogs safe.

There are predator urines to perhaps deter Coyotes
Wolf Urine supposedly works.

You could also install motion sensor lights to discourage them.

I have not used any of the products. I have lived on a ranch and we used 6ft. tall dog pens with tops and stayed out with the dogs at night and brought them inside after they were done.

Make sure your females if any are spayed also.

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