Sunday, December 9, 2012

Does anyone know the initial steps in taking care of a puppy?

Q. I just got a puppy two days ago. He is a Husky/Collie, and LOOKED very healthy. But I have noticed that his stomach is bloated and he is full of tapeworms. He looks to be about 10 weeks old, and he has not received any shots or anything. I need to know how much it should cost to nurse him back to health. Does anyone know how much his puppy shots are going to be? I also need to know how much it costs to get rid of the worms. Is it a pill that I have to give him, or is he going to have to stay at the vet's office? He runs around and plays, and the worms don't seem to hurt him. But I know this is something that needs to be taken care of now, he isn't getting his nutrients. Please help. Any sites you know of with puppy care info, or anything you know would definitely help. I haven't had a puppy since I was a little kid, and I need to know what to do. Thanks!
Another thing, if Mojo, my puppy, has tapeworms, is there a chance that he has fleas on him still carrying the tapeworm eggs? And if he does still have those fleas, can my boyfriend or I get tapeworms? What about the other puppy that Mojo socializes with?

A. Take the puppy to the vet. He needs to be dewormed, which is usually a two time dose of med. I really can't estimate how much the visit will be, however, he will need a series of shots, that is not a one time deal. (the wormining medication will most likely be administered in the office the firt time and you will give them the second dose at home about 2 weeks later.) Call local vets for pricing, you can compare. But honestly having dealt with many vets, you should get recommendations from friends like you would if you were picking a doctor for yourself. Not every vet will have the same mannerisms and way with animals. If all else fails check a local animal control center, they may have programs for people who want to keep pets but have $ issues. Our local animal shelter provides food. Maybe that would subsidize cost while you pay for vet bills. good luck!

How do you take care of newborn puppies?
Q. my dog gave birth to 7 healthy puppies this morning and i wanted to know if there are any tips on taking care of them. Like,. tempurature of the room and stuff like that.

Thanks in advance =]
uhm actually its our family dog! im sure my mom knows this i was just asking..

A. Right now, the pups' mom will do just about everything the puppies will need. For your part, keep the room where the dogs are warm, dimly lit (so it looks like a "den"), and clean. Normal room temperature is fine if the pups are able to snuggle against mom for warmth when they need it.

Keep other animals and very small children away from the mom and her babies, and keep the place as quiet as possible. Try not to handle the pups too much, and don't handle them at all if their mom objects to them being touched. (Some mother dogs can viciously defend their litter if they think their pups are in danger.)

Keep an ear out for the pups. It's normal for them to make little mewling noises, but if they start screaming and whining a lot it usually means they're not getting enough nourishment from the mom and may need to be supplemented with bottled formula.

Also keep an eye out for mom "rejecting" any of the pups. Mother dogs will reject pups that they believe are unhealthy, and may push the pups away from them, not allow them to nurse, or even kill them. Check the pups each day to make sure everyone is warm and happy and fattening up nicely.

Your puppies eyes and ears have not yet finished developing so it's very important that you NOT try to force the eyes open. The eyes will open (at about week 2) as soon as they're finished developing.

Good luck with your new brood!

How do you take care of a Rotweiler puppy or pick a good puppy?
Q. I just recieved a puppy from my aunt. But i don't know how to take care of them. So, could you please help me out?

A. Go to a lot of shows and trials. Take detailed notes. Look for dogs that are confident and calm. From those, look for the ones that best fit the standard. Call the breeders that bred these dogs, ask when they will next be breeding, truthfully answer their many questions, and ask to get on their list of potential buyers the next time they breed. If you have a good feeling about the breeder, ask which puppy he/she feels best meets your needs. Generally, one of the puppies will stand out in your mind (often they pick you).

As for how to take care of one, first step is a vet visit and to follow the recommendations. Pick a commercial dry dog food that has ingredients you are comfortable with (all meet 100% of nutritional requirements) based on your own fears and likes, take the dog to a puppy class and follow that up with obedience classes, play and exercise with him as much as possible, and above all, be fair and treat him with respect. Remember that he is a dog; not a furry little human or you will make him psychotic. Love him.

Will bitches take care of their dogs in a new enviroment?
Q. My bitch is in a new environment but she isn't taking care of her puppies.

A. she may be stressed about moving

or something may be wrong with the pups
she may be too immature to raise a litter
or she just may simply not be a good mother

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