Saturday, December 8, 2012

I heard maalox can be given to a dog for upset stomach. Any vet who can answer dosage for this.?

Q. I need dosage in ml to be given to a puppy per pound.Thanks for vet answers.

A. if its just occasional vomiting,its normal...if its constant maalox WILL NOT HELP...time for the vet...milk will sooth their stomachs better than any medicine...

How much blood should a cat lose whilst giving birth before taking her to the vet .. Quick Answers .. ?
Q. Okay so my cat is giving birth and we just want to know how much blood is safe for her to lose before we need to contact a vet.. Please answer.. thanks x

A. For someone wanting to be a vet (I just read your profile), you really shouldn't.

If you cared for animals, you would not be breeding them. You haven't got the right frame of mind to be a vet.

Why do people ask questions here, when they need to bring their pet to a vet?
Q. It just seems like common sense to me. Your dog seems to have no control of it's bladder, your cat is dragging it's hind legs, your hamster keeps falling over and can't walk straight...

When a pet is in agony, and needs medical attention, why do people come here? It's not like these answers could help. Think about... even if a vet answered the question, how would an untrained person apply treatment?

Does doing this make sense to anyone?

A. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know!!!!!!!!!!

I read one question once: "My rabbit's leg was broken by my dog last night- should I take him to the vet?"

Oh my god. Animals do not tell us when they are sick. Most of the time we don't even notice until they are in crisis. Better to take them in NOW and question it LATER! It has meant life and death for many of my pets.


Why are none of the questions regarding pets answered by vets?
Q. Why is it everytime someone posts a question regarding a problem with their pet everyone answers by suggestion you take the animal to the vet? Obviously if that were an option the question would not be posted!! Why don't any vets answer questions so that the questioner isn't left with "going to the vet" their only option? Many times a vet will tell you stuff you already know and I don't believe I have to pay somewhere around $100 to hear it! Its like going to the doctor for a common cold. All they tell you is what you already know, suggest you purchase medication that only supresses the symptoms and say there isn't anything else they can do!! We need more professionals responding to these questions instead of the average layman who simply states, "go to the vet" and has nothing more to offer in terms of good, descent suggestions!
Everytime I've called a vet for free advise all they tell me is "we can't give you any suggestions until you bring the animal in to be looked at" and when I tell them I don't have the means to pay for that they simply state, "well keep an eye on the animal for any unusual activity or behavior." Of course that is why I called them in the first place!! It seems that if I can't afford to pay them, then they can't afford to help my pet regardless of the level of severity! And if they are too busy to answer questions here, what the heck do you guys do that permits you the time to answer qustions and not a vet?
Well, if someone asked about what to do if a new piercing was infected, I'd suggest they soak it in sea salt and warm water, clean it out with antibacterial or antimicrobial soap and if it doesn't get better in the next 24/48 hrs then go see a doctor. I don't think anyone on here posting questions is necessarily looking for the full professional answer, but many people have similar experiences and can share those with others. Also, many people are unble to afford vets and doctors and have home remedies they use that work in certain situations... I think that if it were a life or death situation that was significantly pertinent, don't you think that person would be doing something more than posting a question to you all? To me thats common sense....
Ok so you guys, except the student training to be a vet and the second to the last response, don't seem to get it. I'm not suggesting that vets quit their business and come here and give away free advise. Nor am I suggesting someone watch their pet slowly die. I am merely suggesting that someone who has the knowlege about something should share it. Any person with any kind of gift should not just keep that gift locked away only to be used for financial matters or for "special" groups and circumstances. The common sense I spoke of before obviously is not possessed by many of the respondants. Does a chef not cook good meals for his friends and family? Does he not suggest ways in which to make a meal better within a conversation he or she may have with an inquirer? Really people....I find the basis of your responses to be extreamly unsettling.
Your assumptions that people such as myself neglect and abuse our animals flabergasts me. I do have pets, and yes I do take them to the vet, and yes I do pay the outrageous fees. However, due to particular circumstances, such as my cat having kittens and there being complications involved does not make me an unresponsible and unprepared pet owner. There are always worst case senarios of course, but you've all seemed to illustrate a point that people really do not understand each other, nor make any real attempt to communicate and share knowledge with each other in order to better ourselves and others for the sake of doing something good, right and decent. So what that is their job. My mother is a teacher and believe me, the career does not end when school lets out. She is passionate about her work and continues to teach others outside of school property. What do u think vets do in their spare time? Go to work and then dissapear from humanity? Come on give me a break!

A. There are a few vets who answer questions on here, and a few more like myself who are veterinary nurses or studying at vet school (I am both a vet nurse and a vet student).

The problem with the internet is that we can't see the animal the person is asking about, we don't get any history beyond " dog is sick!!!", and we have no abilty to get a full history, conduct a clinical examination or do a basic workup on an animal that we can't see, that belongs to a person we've never spoken to.

I try to give useful answers on here- I can give suggestions about what may be going on, and I can give an idea of what needs to be done for the animal, but ultimately a sick or injured animal needs to be seen directly by a vet. I would bet that none of us here would be willing to stand 100% by a diagnosis made on nothing more than a few lines of writing on a computer screen...
Regardless of any suggestions we can give, "going to the vet" really is their only viable option. Even if it's the middle of the night and they don't want/can't pay for an emergency consult, they're still going to be far better off ringing an emergency clinic and speaking to a vet than leaving questions on the net in the hope that someone can give them some helpful information.

Just on your mention of layman replies- some of the lay replies on here really do concern me...the odd few are helpful, but most range from ignorant to downright dangerous.

Just my two cents...

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