Saturday, December 8, 2012

How can I get my dog to stop wiping her butt on my bed?

Q. This is a serious question. My dog doesn't have a medical problem so it's not that. But I keep finding brown "streaks" on the comforter and sheets. How can I get her to stop using my $100 comforter as toilet paper?

A. Normally dogs do NOT need to wipe their butts, they have a muscle that contracts after potty, plus a drop of anal gland secretion is expelled - in short, they come away clean.

If your dog is wiping her butt - on your comforter or anywhere else - she needs to get her anal glands expressed, they are full and causing her discomfort. Take her to a groomer, vet tech, Petco, etc. and have her anal glands expressed.

Note: I assumed your dog has been dewormed so didn't mention that originally, but of course you need to get her to the vet to have a fecal done (or take a sample of her poop to vet) if there is ANY possibility that she may have worms.

How long should i wait before geting my dog spayed after her first season has finished?
Q. She is now 8 months old her first season finished on the 6th of January,i have asked 3 vets this question and they have all come up with diferent answers,i would realy like to know as i want her spayed soon and need to know when it is safe for her as she comes first and not my needs,so when is it safe?

A. It isn't necessary to wait for the first heat before spaying. That is a myth the same as "I'll wiat and breed her once so she calms down before I spay her". Both are false.
As you've found, most vets have differing opions on what age is best to spay or neuter, find one you trust and just make the appointment. Sounds like you love your what your heart tells you is best for her.

What do you feed your dog and more importantly WHY do you feed it?
Q. Just a couple of questions for you dog lovers out there!

What do you feed your dog?

Why do you feed that?

WHAT makes it such a good diet?

What's IN it?
After researching dog food, reading all of the AAFCO definitions, and having one very sick pup - I finally settled on feeding a raw diet. My sick dog has gotten MUCH better and my other dogs have never looked better! Their food consists mainly of raw chicken and beef.

A. I hate iams.

When i first had dogs, they were my mom's fostered senior dogs. They provided us with Pedigree and I never questioned pedigree...because sadly a name like "pedigree" meant champion purebreed in my mind..and it seemed a popular food.

well when i got my very first own puppy, the vet tech asked me what I fed. I said "pedigree because all my other dogs got that and they lived healthy for pretty long". The vet tech's response was "pedigree isn't the best, even science diet is better than that". So I started looking up "better" dog food and realized both pedigree and SD are crap. corn in dog food is crap. byproducts in dog food, more crap. And for the same size and age dog, the feeding requirements were 6 cups of pedigree, and only 3 cups of a higher quality dog food because higher quality have no crap.

anyway, i always wanted to feed raw because even the best kibble is at best still processed food..processed and shelved and why do my dogs need rice in their diet every day?

my 2nd puppy had terrible intestinal problems, he had to eat wellness venison because any other kibble caused diarrhea. but know what, he got even better by eating raw chicken. while his stomach could never tolerate a chicken kibble.

why do people with very sick animals ask questions on this site ?
Q. Sometimes I can't believe the questions about cat/dog health when quite clearly they should be asking a vet ! If people can't afford to see a vet, then perhaps they should not have the pet. There are so many people here happy to answer questions about stuff they know nothing about but most of the health questions are very obviously in need of vet help.
Lisa B has very valid points but if these poor people have internet access, then are better looking at vetinary sites than asking loads of folk who don't care.

A. Don't come down too hard either on the people who ask or the people who try to help.

If you have a limited income, taking your pet to the vet at the first sign of a problem is just too hard. Also, work can really get in the way. And people may live a ways from the nearest vet.

So asking here first is not so bad. For one thing, you will either get some good advice or you will be told in no uncertain terms to get that animal to the vet.

As far as the people answering, yes, some just say things they don't really know, but a lot of people are very knowledgeable, and give good advice.

It is very cruel to say that people should not have a pet if they cannot afford to take their animals to the vet immediately to find out if throwing up might be a serious problem. Some very responsible pet owners are poor and would rather skimp on food than not provide really necessary vet care.

Also, some pet owners are kids whose parents provided the pet and might not be willing to spring for the vet right away. Let's help those kids know when it's critical to fight over the issue, and give them the ammunition to do it with.

Sorry to preach a bit. Your point is not wrong, but I think you are making it too broad. Let's not discourage people from looking for help or from offering it.

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