Sunday, December 9, 2012

How long at a time do sick dogs sleep?

Q. My dog started showing signs of Parvo Monday so we took him to the vet the same day. He stayed at the vets on IV's for a couple of days. He is back home now (Friday) and still sick. How long at one time does a sick dog sleep? Should I wake him to make him drink?

A. never wake a dog up even if it sick. don't want to be ridiculous but he could bite.

What can we do for our very sick dog with leukemia?
Q. My daughter has a Heeler/Pit which is only 2 years old and he was diagnosed with Leukemia earlier this year so I went out and bought her a purebread Heeler pup and would'nt you know..the sick dog got better and the vet said he was very healthy and his blood test came back clear. Now all of a sudden he got real sick very fast, won't eat, looses his bladder and is mucus coming from his nose, after a moment he comes out of it.

A. There�s a book that may give you some help, because it has references to caring for unhealthy pets and how to alter their diet to improve the condition of failing organs, etc...

Caring for Your Aging Dog
by Janice Borzendowski

and I would also suggest these two resources:

The Dog Owner�s Home Veterinary Handbook by James M. Giffin

the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association

Not much, but you might find something through those sources to help.

I personally feel that a lot of Leukemia and cancer in general in pets comes from their diet. The preservatives, colorings and poor quality of protein in pet food (literally waste swept up off the slaughterhouse floor in many instances) leads to all sorts of diseases. The first book I mentioned talks alot about where and what is good pet food...

How much would you spend on your sick dog? I just spent $1500. Where would you draw the line?
Q. MY dog had to have emergency surgery. She is a young lab of six years old. She had gotten an infection after her heat cycle and became quite toxix. She had pyometra. So after I cried for a day because she might die, and because I didn't know where the money would come from to pay the bill I decided I would pay the bill no matter what I had to give up afterward. How much would you pay to save the life of your sick dog?

A. I would spend as much as needed. I dont have much money but I would spend it all on my dog. She is my life!! I couldn't stand losing her.. Everytime something is wrong I get scared that she will die..

Is it illegal to transport sick dogs without health certificate?
Q. If so who can i report this too. The rescue "wags and walks" based in los angeles, who i was formerly fostering for( until i found out how they unethically treat their dogs) ships their sick dogs to tennessee without health certificates. I am pretty sure this is illegal but who do i report this to? any answers would be greatly appreciated

A. The state law enforcement and PETA and the humane society...I hope they get caught and rot in... well sorry so not nice!!!!

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